Ritmaster Holsteins - Peter Ritmeester


Genomic index DEU: +154 GRZG (2024-04)

Production 1063 M 0.09%F 0.01%P 53 F 37 P 130 RZM
Health 130 RZN 113 RZS 118 RZR 125 RZGes 2251 RZ€
Type 98 KÖR 107 MTY 114 EUT 118 FUN 121 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2909 GTPI (2024-04)

Production 1520 M 0.04%F 0.02%P 71 F 53 P 961 NM
Health +6.4 PL 2.71 SCS +1.0 DPR
Type 1.47 UDC 0.75 F&L 0.76 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +292 GNVI (2024-04; B&W)

Production 1711 M -0.19%F -0.17%P 53 F 42 P 308 INET
Health 1063 LVD 104 UGH 104 CGT 106 VRU
Type 93 FR 98 RB 106 UI 99 BE 100 TOT


WEH Let‘s Rock


WEH Lavita

First milkrecording:  44,8kg 3,61%f 3,14%p


WEH Lucita VG-85

LA1 305d 10.927kgM 3.86%F 422kgF 3.65%P 399kgP


WEH Lucia VG-87

LA1 305d 13.612kgM 3.66%F 498kgF 3.35%P 456kgP
LA3/2 305d 11.529kgM 3.61%F 416kgF 3.30%P 380kgP

Several sons in AI (Masterrind and Viking)

Next generations

  • WEH Lucy VG-88 (s. Balisto)
  • DG Scream & Shout VG-85 (s. Lexor)
  • Bertaiola Alexander Lidia VG-88 (s. Alexander)
    #1 gTPI Alexander in Europe
  • Bertaiola Bolton Lidia VG-86 (s. Bolton)
  • Bel Iron Irene EX-90 (s. Boss Iron)
    Dam of Bertaiola Mincio (s. Bolton)
  • Bel Mtoto Elisa VG-85 (s. Mtoto)
