Ritmaster Holsteins - Peter Ritmeester


Genomic index DEU: +152 GRZG (2024-04)

Production 1542 M 0.01%F -0.01%P 62 F 52 P 140 RZM
Health 117 RZN 103 RZS 106 RZR 118 RZGes 2077 RZ€
Type 109 KÖR 121 MTY 113 EUT 126 FUN 131 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2713 GTPI (2024-04)

Production 1797 M 0.00%F 0.00%P 69 F 57 P 735 NM
Health +3.5 PL 2.98 SCS -1.5 DPR
Type 1.00 UDC 1.29 F&L 1.13 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +259 GNVI (2024-04; B&W)

Production 2305 M -0.19%F -0.09%P 77 F 70 P 472 INET
Health 408 LVD 100 UGH 100 CGT 101 VRU
Type 95 FR 102 RB 108 UI 104 BE 105 TOT




Amazing GP-84

LA1 305d 13.491kgM 3.46%F 467kgF 3.42%P 461kgP


Arizona GP-84

LA1 305d 10.993kgM 4.08%F 449kgF 3.78%P 416kgP

dam of  Cashflow @Masterrind (Top 10 RZG bull dec-21)

Gywer RDC

Mar Aranja VG-86

LA2/2 305d 9.789kgM 4.09%F 400kgF 3.57%P 349kgP
HL2 305d 9.763kgM 4.37%F 427kgF 3.62%P 353kgP

Next generations

  • Westcoast Penman Aria 3774 VG-87 (s. Penmanship)
  • Gold-N-Oaks MVP Aria 2815 VG-88 (s. MVP)
    Dam of Wescoast Alcove (No. 1 Proven bull CA Dec-21)
  • MS Gold-N-Oaks Adore 2500 GP-83 (s. Epic)
  • Gold-N-Oaks Arabell 1765 VG-88 (s. Ramos)
  • Gold-N-Oaks S Marbella VG-89 (s. Shottle)
  • Gold-N-Oaks Morty Malibu EX-94 (s. Morty)

Salvatore Rc