Riethil Holsteins - Mark Biesheuvel


Genomic index DEU: +127 GRZG (2024-04)

Production 673 M -0.09%F -0.13%P 16 F 9 P 108 RZM
Health 117 RZN 123 RZS 110 RZR 118 RZGes 1028 RZ€
Type 99 KÖR 116 MTY 116 EUT 107 FUN 118 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2508 GTPI (2024-04)

Production 736 M -0.01%F -0.02%P 26 F 18 P 560 NM
Health +5.5 PL 2.64 SCS 0.0 DPR
Type 1.45 UDC 0.88 F&L 1.16 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +194 GNVI (2021-12; B&W)

Production 1319 M -0.16%F -0.25%P 40 F 21 P 191 INET
Health 607 LVD 104 UGH 110 CGT 102 VRU
Type 101 FR 100 RB 110 UI 99 BE 105 TOT

1 Progeny

s. Alligator


Riethil Rosalie RDC GP-84

2.08 305d 9.278kgM 3.76%F 349kgF 3.29%P 305kgP
3.08 305d 9.219kgM 4.09%F 377kgF 3.45%P 318kgP

84 FR  85 DS  86 MS  81 FL  GP-84

Swingman Red

De Oosterhof Dg Rose RDC VG-89

Lifetime: 2.008d 72.678kgM 4.79%F 3.481kgF 3.59%P 2.609kgP

Now in her 5th lactation (9-2023) At least 5 sons in AI Red Impact Cow of the Year 2022 nominee! Super transmitting cow, several sons in AI and granddam of 3STAR OH Red Ranger @ Semex!! High genomics in several systems and dam of the No. 1 GTPI red heifer worldwide Rose RDC combines production and superior health traits including high fertility


Telgter Aikman Doreen RDC GP-83

2.04 305d 7.904kgM 4.57%F 361kgF 3.49%P 276kgP

Aikman RDC

Holbra Manoa VG-85

2.05 305d 8.844kgM 4.51%F 399kgF 3.79%P 335kgP
3.09 305d 10.784kgM 4.21%F 454kgF 3.73%P 403kgP
5.06 305d 11.153kgM 4.55%F 508kgF 3.61%P 403kgP

Next generations

  • Holbra Pam VG-87 (s. Mascol)
    Lifetime: 2062d 73.468kgM 4.46%F 3274kgF 3.57%P 2620kgP
  • Sunday ALH Prudence VG-88 (s. Durham)
  • Mayerlane-DK Hiawatha EX-90 (s. Rudolph)
  • Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95 (s. Chief Mark)
    Next dam EX-91 Sexation x EX-93 Elevation x EX-94 Highmark x EX-91 Bootmaker Lee x EX-90 Mingo x VG-85 Star Man x VG-86 Rag Apple 
  • Ogden Hanover Sex Prudence EX-91 (s. Sexation)
  • Dreamstreet Rorae Pocohontis EX-93 (s. Elevation)
