Poppe Holsteins - Fam. Poppe


Genomic index NLD: +324 GNVI (2024-12; R&W)

Production 1038 M 0.23%F 0.12%P 68 F 48 P 410 INET
Health 944 LVD 109 UGH 109 CGT 104 VRU
Type 106 FR 105 RB 104 UI 111 BE 111 TOT


Poppe Kanu 2654 PP Red

Primetime PP Red

Poppe Kanu 2369 P Red VG-86

2.02 305d 8.800kgM 4.53%F 399kgF 3.80%P 335kgP

Contracted bull dam for Veecom

Launch PP Red

Poppe Kanu 2037 RDC VG-85

2.01 305d 11.068kgM 4.31%F 477kgF 3.88%P 429kgP
3.05 305d 15.351kgM 4.00%F 614kgF 3.64%P 560kgP


Wilder K41 RDC VG-87

2.07 305d 13.213kgM 4.22%F 557kgF 3.51%P 464kgP
4.10 305d 18.242kgM 4.33%F 790kgF 3.38%P 617kgP
6.11 305d 14.761kgM 4.66%F 688kgF 3.35%P 495kgP

Dam of K&L Palace Red @RUW/VOST, Poppe RUW Allegro @RUW & Poppe Kayne @KI Samen The dam to K41 RDC is a great Brekem daughter of Wilder Kanu 111 RDC K41 RDC has several (half)brothers in AI Production, health, longevity and type; the Kanu family has it all!

Next generations

  • Wilder K25 Red EX-90 (s. Brekem RDC)
    Dam of Baymax Red (s. Bagno) @ Masterrind and Matt RF (s. Battlecry) @ Genes Diffusion
  • Wilder Kanu 111 RDC VG-88 (s. Snowman)
    Great broodcow!
  • Wilder Kairo 55 RDC VG-89 (s. Shottle)
  • Katja 23 RDC VG-88 (s. Ramos)
  • Kathi 81 Red GP-84 (s. Danube-Red)
