NRP Holsteins - Norwin Piet


Genomic index DEU: +106 GRZG (2024-08)

Production -483 M 0.40%F 0.11%P 20 F -6 P 102 RZM
Health 105 RZN 98 RZS 104 RZR 101 RZGes 295 RZ€
Type 107 KÖR 104 MTY 96 EUT 106 FUN 104 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2251 GTPI (2024-12)

Production -673 M 0.23%F 0.10%P 31 F 3 P 256 NM
Health +1.3 PL 3.00 SCS -0.6 DPR
Type 0.82 UDC 1.07 F&L 0.91 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +273 GNVI (2017-12; B&W)

Production 708 M 0.18%F -0.01%P 47 F 24 P 206 INET
Health 664 LVD 103 UGH 106 CGT 105 VRU
Type 101 FR 107 RB 108 UI 106 BE 109 TOT

21 Progeny

Rvb Mauric Red
s. Salvatore Rc
Batouwe 7174 Red
s. Salvatore Rc
NRP Salvatore Angle
s. Salvatore Rc
NRP Adisson
s. Salvatore Rc
Batouwe Black Salvo
s. Salvatore Rc
NRP Surprisingly Red
s. Salvatore Rc
+242 GNVI  +2389 GTPI  +121 GRZG
NRP Amelia
s. Salvatore Rc
+2445 GTPI  +121 GRZG
Beeze Red Hot Alania RDC
s. Salvatore Rc
+230 GNVI  +112 GRZG
Beeze Red Hot Alanis RDC
s. Salvatore Rc
+228 GNVI  +112 GRZG
NRP Luckystrike P RDC
s. Lucky PP-Red
+111 GRZG
Beeze Red Hot Althea RDC
s. Salvatore Rc
+118 GRZG
NRP Lucky P Red
s. Lucky PP-Red
+2271 GTPI  +123 GRZG
Nrp Hotsha P RDC
s. Hotspot P
+186 GNVI  +2348 GTPI  +112 GRZG
Red Hot Alisha 89 RDC
s. Salvatore Rc
+128 GRZG
Zwanebloem Hotspot Alicia P RDC
s. Hotspot P
+184 GNVI  +2350 GTPI 
Batouwe Ailisha Salva Red
s. Salvatore Rc
+2461 GTPI  +126 GRZG
NRP Awesome Amberlee Red
s. Awesome-Red
+1956 GTPI 
NRP Grieta
s. Unstopabull
+2075 GTPI 
NRP Natalie
s. Warrior-Red
+1987 GTPI 
NRP Alisha 1 TR
s. Selfie RC
+2322 GTPI 
Hemrik Holstein Alina RDC
s. Selfie RC
+105 GRZG


NRP Alisha RDC VG-89

2.02 370d 8.344kgM 4.81%F 401kgF 3.61%P 301kgP
3.06 305d 10.245kgM 4.67%F 478kgF 3.69%P 378kgP
4.09 305d 11.742kgM 4.86%F 571kgF 3.64%P 427kgP

88 FR  90 DS  89 MS  90 FL  VG-89


A-L-H Australia RDC VG-87

2.04 305d 10.089kgM 4.41%F 445kgF 3.49%P 352kgP
3.08 305d 12.112kgM 4.29%F 520kgF 3.42%P 414kgP

The granddam to Australia is a half-sister to KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96 This is one of the "hottest" cowfamilies in the world


KHW Alxndr Ayako RDC VG-85

2.07 365d 12.123kgM 3.8%F 466kgF 3.6%P 442kgP


KHW Goldwyn Aiko RDC EX-91

2.06 365d 11.186kgM 6.4%F 711kgF 4.0%P 446kgP
5.07 365d 13.222kgM 5.1%F 680kgF 4.0%P 526kgP
8.02 365d 12.533kgM 4.6%F 578kgF 4.1%P 508kgP

Former Red Impact Cow of the Year Holstein International

Next generations

  • Kamps-Hollow Durham Altitude RDC EX-95 (s. Durham)
    Dam to Advent-Red, Jotan-Red & Acme RC
  • Clover-Mist Alisha RDC EX-93 (s. Prelude)
  • Clover-Mist Augy Star RDC EX-94 (s. Jubilant RF)
  • D-R-A August EX-96 (s. Marquis King)
  • D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 (s. Brutus)
  • D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 (s. Lucifer Lad)
