KNS Holsteins - Fam. Niermann
KNS Miss Balista-P DE 356230059 DOB 07-04-2014
GP-84 Balisto x GP-82 Epic x VG-86 Mr Sam x VG-87 Polled Plus x VG-85 Raimon x VG-88 Luke x VG-88 Blackstar x VG-89 Inspiration x VG-88 Dean x VG-86 Rex
Dam to KNS Abi Red PP (Schreur Apoll P) Polled and red carrier Balisto daughter Outcross pedigree for Polled Her full sister sold vor € 8.000,- Very "hot" family with several sons in AI |
Back to KNS Holsteins |
Genomic index DEU: +106 GRZG (2024-12)
Production | -41 M | 0.23%F | 0.10%P | 22 F | 8 P | 109 RZM |
Health | 95 RZN | 93 RZS | 104 RZR | 101 RZGes | 196 RZ€ | |
Type | 94 KÖR | 107 MTY | 103 EUT | 106 FUN | 105 RZE |
Genomic index USA: +2355 GTPI (2024-12)
Production | 436 M | 0.07%F | 0.07%P | 36 F | 32 P | 358 NM |
Health | +1.3 PL | 2.97 SCS | -1.6 DPR | |||
Type | 0.54 UDC | 0.73 F&L | 0.48 PTAT |
5 Progeny
s. Deko Red P
Abi Red Pp
s. Apoll P Red
KNS Miss Board P
s. Board
+2537 GTPI +131 GRZG KNS Batida Red
s. Apoll P Red
s. Apoll P Red
+2266 GTPI +114 GRZG
KNS Miss Balista-P GP-84
LA1 | 255d | 7.132kgM | 4.44%F | 317kgF | 3.39%P | 242kgP |
84 FR 85 DS 84 MS 83 FL GP-84
KNS Miss Epic P RDC GP-82
LA1 | 305d | 11.389kgM | 4.43%F | 505kgF | 3.64%P | 402kgP |
SHB Mrs. Poll-P RDC VG-86
LA1 | 305d | 11.389kgM | 4.4%F | 505kgF | 3.6%P | 414kgP |
LA3/3 | 305d | 11.292kgM | 4.30%F | 485kgF | 3.56%P | 402kgP |
Dam to Latopp PP-Red in Germany
Mr Sam
Wulfstock Mabelpoll P VG-87
LA2 | 305d | 13.028kgM | 3.7%F | 476kgF | 3.5%P | 456kgP |
LA3 | 305d | 13.832kgM | 3.9%F | 532kgF | 3.3%P | 450kgP |
LA4/4 | 305d | 12.418kgM | 3.7%F | 461kgF | 3.3%P | 414kgP |
Next generations
- Maracuja VG-85 (s. Raimon)
- Mabella 13 VG-88 (s. Luke)
- Mabel VG-88 (s. Blackstar)
- Marlen VG-89 (s. Inspiration)
- Mati VG-88 (s. Dean)
- Martini VG-86 (s. Rex)