Caudumer Holsteins - Sietze Henk Haytema


Genomic index NLD: +312 GNVI (2024-12; R&W)

Production 1773 M 0.18%F 0.00%P 97 F 64 P 566 INET
Health 634 LVD 104 UGH 107 CGT 101 VRU
Type 102 FR 103 RB 105 UI 107 BE 107 TOT


Caudumer Ebony 34 Red


Caudumer Ebony 24 RDC VG-86

2.00 305d 8.388kgM 5.03%F 422kgF 3.92%P 328kgP
3.01 305d 9.882kgM 5.40%F 534kgF 4.01%P 396kgP
4.00 305d 9.978kgM 5.51%F 550kgF 4.04%P 403kgP

Redcarrier Jacuzzi-Red daughter from the fancy Caudumer Ebony 2 Is amazing based on several genomic systems Great cowfamily which delivering great offspring!


Caudumer Ebony 2 VG-88

2.04 305d 8.878kgM 4.19%F 372kgF 3.72%P 330kgP
3.03 305d 10.405kgM 4.14%F 431kgF 3.50%P 364kgP
4.03 305d 10.156kgM 4.43%F 450kgF 3.66%P 372kgP

One of the highest GNVI heifers in the Netherlands (# 12 GNVI; 04-2017) Backed by the Zandenburg Ebony family The dam to Ebony 2 is a high Boss daughter of Zandenburg Snowman Ebony 1 Ebony 2 combines milk, an extremely high fertility and excellent type!


Zandenburg Boss Ebony 3

Extremely high Boss for GRZG and GNVI

Next generations

  • Zandenburg Snowman Ebony 1 EX-90 (s. Snowman)
    Great Snowman from the Ebony family; she breeds!
  • Zandenburg Twist. Ebony EX-90 (s. Twister)
    Lifetime: 3.089d 103.374kgM 4.03%F 4.165kgF 3.47%P 3.586kgP
  • Zandenburg Goldwyn Ebony VG-86 (s. Goldwyn)
    Dam to the proven bulls Pazzini and Paston in Germany
  • Zandenburg Lancelot Ebony VG-86 (s. Lancelot)
  • Zandenburg Webster Ebonya VG-87 (s. Webster)
  • Zandenburg Lucky L Ebony VG-89 (s. Lucky Leo)
