Beeze Holsteins - Martien van der Kamp


Genomic index DEU: +150 GRZG (2024-04)

Production 1015 M 0.11%F 0.10%P 53 F 46 P 135 RZM
Health 119 RZN 122 RZS 100 RZR 129 RZGes 1889 RZ€
Type 108 KÖR 105 MTY 122 EUT 114 FUN 127 RZE

Genomic index NLD: +316 GNVI (2024-04; B&W)

Production 2011 M -0.12%F -0.06%P 72 F 64 P 436 INET
Health 742 LVD 110 UGH 111 CGT 102 VRU
Type 97 FR 101 RB 106 UI 98 BE 101 TOT


Beeze Oldleus Manoa


Beeze Oldleus Meike GP-83

1.11 305d 11.357kgM 4.05%F 460kgF 3.26%P 371kgP


Veelhorst Vekis Melody VG-87

2.04 305d 10.740kgM 4.93%F 529kgF 3.74%P 402kgP
4.00 305d 13.225kgM 4.49%F 593kgF 3.57%P 472kgP


NH Sunview Shep Mercy

Backed by the awesome Caps Mairy family

Next generations

  • NH HS Marilyn Monroe VG-86 (s. Balisto)
    Topseller GMS 2014 for €84.000! 13 sons in AI, No. 1 RZG cow
  • Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-88 (s. Sudan)
  • Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87 (s. Xacobeo)
  • Caps Mairy 4 VG-85 (s. Goldwyn)
  • Caps Mairy 1 VG-85 (s. O Man)
  • Caps Mairy VG-87 (s. Durham)
