Bacchus Holsteins - Veehouderij van den Braak


Genomic index DEU: +156 GRZG (2024-04)

Production 626 M 0.21%F 0.14%P 48 F 36 P 129 RZM
Health 133 RZN 126 RZS 126 RZR 129 RZGes 2287 RZ€
Type 103 KÖR 95 MTY 110 EUT 122 FUN 118 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2903 GTPI (2024-04)

Production 883 M 0.12%F 0.08%P 69 F 50 P 931 NM
Health +6.7 PL 2.67 SCS +1.8 DPR
Type 1.06 UDC 0.93 F&L 0.60 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +403 GNVI (2024-04; B&W)

Production 1471 M -0.08%F 0.03%P 54 F 54 P 355 INET
Health 1015 LVD 110 UGH 108 CGT 113 VRU
Type 101 FR 102 RB 106 UI 101 BE 104 TOT


WSH Goldmarie


WSH Great

Fresh and produces >37kgM a day


MB Garantie GP-83

2.0 305d 12.322kgM 3.84%F 473kgF 3.49%P 430kgP


SHA Guave-ET

Dam of Crusader @Masterrind Topseller Masterrind Exclusive Sale 2018, sold for €100.000!

Next generations

  • SHA Grumeti VG-87 (s. Rubicon)
    Dam of SHA Foreman (#1 RZG bull April 2021)
  • SHA Gerenuk EX-91 (s. Balisto)
  • WEH Georgina VG-87 (s. Numero Uno)
  • WEH Georgia VG-87 (s. Baxter)
  • WEH Grazia VG-86 (s. Goldwyn)
  • WEH Galina VG-88 (s. Tugolo)
