3STAR Genetics - GenHotel


Genomic index DEU: +156 GRZG (2024-12)

Production 1297 M 0.24%F 0.12%P 79 F 58 P 147 RZM
Health 123 RZN 118 RZS 114 RZR 119 RZGes 2386 RZ€
Type 105 KÖR 113 MTY 114 EUT 113 FUN 122 RZE

Genomic index USA: +2931 GTPI (2024-12)

Production 1170 M 0.15%F 0.10%P 85 F 63 P 907 NM
Health +5.4 PL 2.67 SCS +0.3 DPR
Type 0.88 UDC 0.56 F&L 0.95 PTAT

Genomic index NLD: +355 GNVI (2024-12; B&W)

Production 1813 M 0.02%F 0.05%P 79 F 68 P 529 INET
Health 722 LVD 107 UGH 108 CGT 109 VRU
Type 100 FR 103 RB 110 UI 99 BE 105 TOT


WIL Hulapalu


Wilder Hermes VG-85


Wilder Hilti EX-90

LA1 305d 9.425kgM 4.08%F 385kgF 3.59%P 338kgP
LA2 305d 10.808kgM 4.22%F 456kgF 3.75%P 405kgP

Hotspot P

Wilder Holiday-P VG-89

LA3/2 286d 10.501kgM 3.82%F 401kgF 3.60%P 378kgP
HL2 305d 12.120kgM 3.62%F 439kgF 3.61%P 437kgP

Polled from the Batke Outside Kora family

Next generations

  • Wilder Herz P VG-87 (s. Powerball-P)
    Dam to the Superhero sons Wilder Hotspot P and Hansa P @ RUW and 5 other bulls in AI
  • Wilder Hira VG-85 (s. Saloon)
    Hira has 7 bulls in AI, granddam to Wilder Hotspot P
  • CCC Snowman Konny VG-85 (s. Snowman)
  • CCC Goldwyn Konny VG-87 (s. Goldwyn)
  • Batke Outside Kora EX-94 (s. Outside)
    2-yr Old Champion All-European Championship Oldenburg 2006
  • Batke Klivia VG-88 (s. Lee)
