Lot: 6 - Sanderij Roxanne P Red

Lot: 6

Sanderij Roxanne P Red

Heifer SHS Can PP RDC
Cartoon P Red x Simon P x Cameron
3STAR Riviera Red VG-86
Ranger-Red x Riveting x Salvatore Rc

● Red and polled Can PP RDC with 156 gRZG-SiSt, from the great cow family of Bomaz Holsteins, USA.

● Roxanne P Red exhibits a faultless genomic profile, high scores for the health traits and is A2A2.

● Her dam 3STAR Riviera-Red is a fancy 3STAR OH Ranger-Red daughter, classified VG-86 (VG-87 MS).


Sells with embryo contracts 3x €700 + 4x €500 = €4100

3STAR Bomaz Riva RDC
Sold for: Not logged in Log in


Genomic index DEU: +153 GRZG (2024-12)

Production 1152 M -0.01%F -0.11%P 46 F 29 P 125 RZM
Health 131 RZN 120 RZS 116 RZR 127 RZGes 2136 RZ€
Type 104 KÖR 113 MTY 125 EUT 112 FUN 129 RZE


Sanderij Roxanne P Red


3STAR Riviera Red VG-86

2.03 305d 8.508kgM 4.68%F 398kgF 3.53%P 300kgP


3STAR Bomaz Riva RDC GP-83

2.02 305d 9.969kgM 3.88%F 386kgF 3.38%P 337kgP
3.02 305d 4.680kgM 4.58%F 214kgF 3.87%P 181kgP
4.02 305d 11.433kgM 3.62%F 414kgF 3.13%P 358kgP

Worldclass family at Bomaz which delivered any bulls in AI! Bomaz Frido 6185 is also the dam of Bomaz AltaTopshot, high proven bull!


Bomaz Salvatore RC 8066-ET

Dam of Bomaz Brute @WWS and Bomaz Rimrock RC @ ABS One of the highest Red carriers on GTPI and RZG Same family as Bomaz C3po and Bomaz AltaTopshot Bomaz Inc is named 2022 Herds of Excellence

Next generations

  • Bomaz Delta 7173 VG-88 (s. Delta)
    Dam of Bomaz C3po @ABS, AltaDangerous @Alta Genetics & Bomaz Yacht - no. 1 proven in Spain!
  • Bomaz Frido 6185 GP-81 (s. AltaEmbassy)
    Dam of Bomaz AltaTopshot  
  • Bomaz Robust 5547 VG-85 (s. Robust)
  • Bomaz Manoman 4929-ET VG-85 (s. Man-O-Man)
  • Bomaz Lancelot 3410 VG-85 (s. Lancelot)
  • Bomaz Addison 2152 VG-85 (s. Addison)

Salvatore Rc