Lot: 19 - 1e keus vaarskalf / 1st choice heifer: Parfect x KHE I'm Good VG-88, EX-MS!

Lot: 19

1e keus vaarskalf / 1st choice heifer: Parfect x KHE I'm Good VG-88, EX-MS!

Heifer Siemers Rengd Parfect
Renegade x Delta-Lambda x Denver
KHE I'm Good VG-88
Gymnast x Rubicon x Shotglass

● First choice of 4 very nice Siemers Renegade Parfects straight from the phenomenal KHE I'm Good VG-88 (EX-90 MS)!

● I'm Good has produced more than 81,000 kg of milk in 1684 days and is the (grand)dam of sires like Poppe K&L San Remo, Poppe K&L Sanchez P RDC and Poppe 3STAR Manitu.

● Pedigree leads back to the French brood cow Gourmette EX-92, 11 generations VG or EX in a row!

Name Reg.number Birth date gNVI
Poppe 3STAR I'm Perfect NL 965226794 21-12-2024 290
Poppe 3STAR Island NL 965226802 21-12-2024 207
Poppe 3STAR Isabell NL 965226819 22-12-2024 198
Poppe 3STAR Imperial NL 965226840 28-12-2024 204
KHE I’m Good
Sold for: Not logged in Log in


Genomic index NLD: +290 GNVI (2024-12; B&W)

Production 136 M 0.20%F -0.04%P 78 F 44 P 423 INET
Health 579 LVD 104 UGH 103 CGT 106 VRU
Type 99 FR 103 RB 107 UI 103 BE 105 TOT


Poppe 3STAR I'm Perfect


KHE I'm Good VG-88

2.03 305d 15.727kgM 3.82%F 601kgF 3.28%P 516kgP
4.00 305d 17.113kgM 3.99%F 684kgF 3.38%P 578kgP
5.04 305d 18.116kgM 3.53%F 639kgF 3.07%P 556kgP

Enormous production and a fantastic broodcow with many good sons and great looking and top producing daughters!


KHE Isolde VG-87

2.04 305d 9.399kgM 4.12%F 387kgF 3.42%P 321kgP
3.06 305d 11.295kgM 4.26%F 481kgF 3.33%P 376kgP
4.07 305d 13.946kgM 3.03%F 423kgF 3.26%P 455kgP


KHE Island VG-89

LA1 305d 12.282kgM 3.44%F 423kgF 3.29%P 404kgP
LA3/2 305d 12.793kgM 3.20%F 410kgF 3.18%P 407kgP
LA3 305d 13.922kgM 3.25%F 452kgF 3.15%P 439kgP

Next generations

  • KHE India VG-88 (s. Windbrook)
    Granddam of the proven bull Edlock @Masterrind
  • KHE Illinois VG-88 (s. Jeeves)
    Dam to Biathlon (s. Beacon) @ Rinder Allianz
  • Ida VG-85 (s. Goldwyn)
  • Ivonne VG-85 (s. Juror Ford)
  • Isabell VG-85 (s. Cleo)
  • Imperial VG-89 (s. Aerostar)
