Lot: 823


3 embryos VH Sitron
Sunrise x Chilton x Imax
Poppe 3STAR Gerlinda
Precision x Pantone x Soundcloud

These are the first embryo's available from the beautiful and one of the highest scored great-granddaughters of KHE I'm Good VG-88; Poppe 3STAR Gerlinda!

On gNVI basis she tests +365 gNVI. With a flawless profile and an impressive longevity of 1011 LVD, Gerlinda belongs to the top 30 gNVI females! On a gRZG basis Gerlinda also shows impressive scores of +152 gRZG, 131 RZE, 125 RZGes & 1957 RZ€.

Great-granddam KHE I'm Good VG-88 by Gymnast has already achieved an enormous lifetime production of more than 77,000 kgM in 1540 days! She has also served as an important donor for the joint breeding program and produced bulls such as Poppe K&L San Remo and Poppe K&L Sanchez P. Grandsons are also in AI, such as: Poppe 3STAR Manitu, 3STAR Poppe Gigantic and Poppe 3STAR Magic Bull. Also proven sire KHE Suleus @Rinder Allianz belongs to this cow family.

I'm Good's pedigree goes back to the French breeding cow Gourmette EX-92 and with her score of VG-88 (EX-90 MS) she is the 11th generation in a row with a score of VG or EX. This cow family delivers huge milk producers, dam Gerlinde manages tp roduce a 305-day lactation of >12,500kgM after calving at 1.10 years and family member 3STAR Poppe Gazelle GP-84 (Gladius x Durable x I'm Good) achieves a daily production of 62kgM in her first lactation.

Poppe 3STAR Gerlinda is flushed with VH Sitron, who with no less than +3515kgM & 739 INET is the absolute number 1 milk sire and INET bull in the Netherlands/Flanders! The Sunrise son from Scandinavia gives 154 gRZG, 379 gNVI and 32 NTM$.

The embryos are stored in Netherlands.
KHE I’m Good
Current price: Not logged in Log in


Genomic index DEU: +152 GRZG (2024-04)

Production 462 M 0.46%F 0.17%P 67 F 34 P 133 RZM
Health 123 RZN 119 RZS 113 RZR 125 RZGes 1987 RZ€
Type 98 KÖR 113 MTY 131 EUT 112 FUN 131 RZE

Genomic index NLD: +365 GNVI (2024-04; B&W)

Production 1238 M 0.30%F 0.10%P 83 F 53 P 412 INET
Health 1011 LVD 109 UGH 110 CGT 104 VRU
Type 92 FR 98 RB 112 UI 96 BE 102 TOT


Poppe 3STAR Gerlinda


Poppe 3STAR Gerline GP-84

1.10 305d 12.631kgM 3.75%F 474kgF 3.27%P 413kgP


K&L Poppe G0479

2.02 305d 11.347kgM 4.49%F 510kgF 3.48%P 395kgP
3.11 305d 11.646kgM 4.54%F 528kgF 3.78%P 441kgP


KHE I'm Good VG-88

2.03 305d 15.727kgM 3.82%F 601kgF 3.28%P 516kgP
4.00 305d 17.113kgM 3.99%F 684kgF 3.38%P 578kgP
5.04 305d 18.116kgM 3.53%F 639kgF 3.07%P 556kgP

Enormous production and a fantastic broodcow with many good sons and great looking and top producing daughters!

Next generations

  • KHE Isolde VG-87 (s. Rubicon)
  • KHE Island VG-89 (s. Shotglass)
  • KHE India VG-88 (s. Windbrook)
    Granddam of the proven bull Edlock @Masterrind
  • KHE Illinois VG-88 (s. Jeeves)
    Dam to Biathlon (s. Beacon) @ Rinder Allianz
  • Ida VG-85 (s. Goldwyn)
  • Ivonne VG-85 (s. Juror Ford)
